Tree of Life Legacies

is a Storytelling and Wisdom Keeping Project

based in the San Francisco Bay Area — travelling nationally and globally

founded by April Bell

– Blog Posts by April Bell –

Human Library

Human Library

The Human Library stands as a powerful testament to the enduring potential of human connection and storytelling to dismantle prejudices, promote empathy, and foster social cohesion.

Finding Magic in Everyday Life

Finding Magic in Everyday Life

Finding Magic in Everyday LifeSpoken word versionIn the spring of 2013, I stumbled into the most powerful bit of magic I have ever known. Ever since I can remember, I’ve searched for ways to find magic in everyday life. I’ve dabbled in all sorts of metaphysical...

Leaning into Ancient Heritage and Modern Traditions

Leaning into Ancient Heritage and Modern Traditions

Ancient Heritage and Modern Traditions  How one family with eclectic views comes together to celebrate their mutual tiesMy mom really enjoys the holiday season. I should say seasons. She likes all the holidays. She loves to go all out in December, though. Which...

Fostering Resilience in Children

Fostering Resilience in Children

How Valuable Are Your Loved Ones' Stories?  Fostering Resilience What if I told you there was a way you could contribute to the happiness and resilience of your children and their children? Would you do it? What would it have meant if someone had done that for...

Your Most Important Gift

Your Most Important Gift

~Your Most Important Gift~  You Matter This is for anyone who has held the honorable place in life of guiding another soul. It’s important to note, you don’t have to be a biological parent to hold that sort of importance in a child’s life ― no matter their age....

Listening is a Gift

Listening is a Gift

To Listen - A Magical Gift  Listening; Your Greatest Gift! In a recent TEDTalk,  StoryCorps founder David Isay noted, “Every day, people come up to me and say, I wish I had interviewed my father or my grandmother or my brother. But I waited too long. Now no one...

The Ethical Will App for Video

The Ethical Will App for Video

StoryCatcher® is The Ethical Will App What's Your Story?  An Ethical Will Video allows you to pass on and share your values, beliefs, life lessons and hopes. Easily create and share an Ethical Will Video using StoryCatcher’s great questions to ask in the "family"...

Family Stories: Why We Tell Them

Family Stories: Why We Tell Them

Saving Family Stories - Now and Into the Future  What family stories will you pass on?WHAT IF I told you you could change a child’s life by sharing your family stories? Would it move you into action? Would it inspire you to start documenting that which you know...

Ancestor Effect

Ancestor Effect

The Ancestor Effect  Why Your Stories Matter “So even if we don’t perceive to like our ancestors, thinking about them still leads to a mental state that boosts intellectual performance and decision-making.” Apparently, just thinking about our ancestors — ancient...

The Walnut Creek Journal ~ 2014

The Walnut Creek Journal ~ 2014

Capturing Walnut Creek Memories  Situating Walnut Creek native, Dr. Bud Rotermund, for his interview session.Historical Society’s Oral History Project To Reflect Last 100 Years by Deborah Burstyn – Correspondent Orignally Published in The Walnut Creek Journal on...

Their Forgotten Childhood Memories

Their Forgotten Childhood Memories

The Forgotten Childhood The Phenomenon of Childhood Amnesia  Create A Gift To Their Future-Self Haven’t you, like me, wondered why most of us don’t remember anything prior to age 3? Well, it turns out, we DO have memories prior to age 3, however, those memories...