Walnut Creek History – On Video
Walnut Creek Historical Society Oral History Project
– Conducted by April Bell 2012-2014 –

scroll down to see the video collection
Due to a generous bequeathment, and also serendipitously gearing up for the city’s much anticipated Centennial Celebration, The Walnut Creek Historical Society commissioned Tree of Life Legacies to assist in a video Oral History Project, preserving Walnut Creek History stories of our town’s days-gone-by.
I worked closely with The Society’s board appointed committee; Audrey Veregge, Sheila Rogstad, and the Madam Producer, Judie Hockel.
Between 2012 and 2014, we interviewed thirty individuals. The interviewees ranged from civic leaders, community volunteers, business owners, to ordinary folks who remember what life was like growing up in Walnut Creek when everybody knew everyone. And also knew what they were up to!
Each interview was diligently prepared for and then filmed for a minimum of 45-minutes. The audio was professionally transcribed and laid out in three books for The Society’s archive. The books are available for purchase at Blurb.com. There’s a linked-button for each book at the bottom of this page.
Each of the interviewees received a personalized DVD of their interview to share with friends and family.
It has been such an honor and a pleasure to do this project for my home town. If you would like to check out the collected media from this Video Walnut Creek History project, scroll down or please visit The Walnut Creek Historical Society’s History Room at The Shadeland’s Ranch Museum on Ygnacio Valley Road in Walnut Creek. Check for times when docents are on duty to get all of your burning questions answered.
Enjoy fifteen of the 30 videos below, which I edited as part of the “100-year anniversary and commemoration” celebrating Walnut Creek’s city-hood in 2016.

photo by: Judie Hockel
Preparing to interview life-long Walnut Creek resident, Dr. Bud Rotermund, at The Shadeland’s Ranch Museum.

~ The Collection ~
thirty town history stories ~ captured 2012 – 2014
Origin Story: The Walnut Festival
Gary Bogue: Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Gary Bogue remembers the early days of the Lindsay Wildlife Museum.
Mike Rinehart: Rinehart’s Jewelry
JoAnn Hanna: Remembering WWII
Gwen Regalia: Pioneer Peg Kovar
Peg Kovar, a modern pioneer for women’s leadership in Walnut Creek politics, became the city’s first female mayor in 1975. She was passionate about preserving the city’s open space, serving as the first president of Save Mount Diablo.
Kay Mauzy-Wightman: The Flood
Adrian Mendes: The Walnut Kernel
Dr. Bud Rotermund: Picking Pears
Sally Ingraham: An Idyllic Town
Alfred Cooper: Days-Gone-By
Lois Semmelmayer: Gloria Scilacci
Primo Facchini: We need your support
Bev Clemson: Shadelands Ranch Museum
Nancy Meagher: Childhood Shenanigans
Phyllis Bolton: War Bonds
Walnut Creek History ~ 2014 Compilation